2007. 6. 13. 06:34
음악이 좋아~/Favorites
이번 6월 9일 한국에 발매된
Dream Theater 의 9번째 정규앨범 Systematic Chaos
수없는 미리니름의 유혹에도 불구하고
앨범이 도착해서 듣기까지 정말 참느라 힘들었다..
오늘.. 아니 이제는 어제가 되어버렸지만 도착한 앨범!
기다림은 그만한 가치가 있었으니!
역시 날 실망시키지 않는 나의 완소 Dream Theater.
이번 앨범은 자켓부터 딱 마음에 들었는데.... 그것은 이렇게 생겼다.
뼛속까지 공대생이라 그런지... 이런 무미건조한 이미지를 보면 마음이 편해진다..
음... 제대로 리뷰는 곧.. 쓰거나 아니면 시험이 끝나면 쓰게될 것 같다.
간단한 감상이지만 이번 앨범은 7집과 8집의 조화가 아닐까 하는 생각이 든다.
아직 2~3번 밖에 듣지 않았고 집중해서 듣지는 않았기 때문에 일축하는 것은 이르지만...
가사 직접 치는데... 진짜 길다...
몇 시간후면 시험인데 이러고 있는건 뭘까나..
Dream Theater - Prophets of War
It burns deep down inside of me
We have ourselves to blame
Not questioning, accepted as the truth
Debate this fight it's just cause
The facts do not support theirs
To liberate a people
And rid them of tyrant rule
Is it time to make a change
Are we closer than before
Can we help them break away
Are we profiting from war
It's time to make a change
Got your attetion - Deceived
Since the inception - Our brave
Fight for what reason
Can we clean up this mess
The loss of loved ones
A perverse request
They continue the same rhetoric
These derelicts that profit
Win or lose
Is it time to make a change
Are we closer than before
Can we help them break away
Are we profiting from war
It's time to make a change
Time for change
Fight the fear
Find the Truth
Time for change
The only thing
That I believe
Will help us see this through is faith
Pray they will forgive
Forgive our arrogance
So we can make it right
Right what they have wronged
See you sweat
Unexpected, controversial
Get used to it
Things are gonna get personal
Your sympathy
A pitiful display you stutter
Your empathy
Means nothing if there is no honor
Of this you are incapable
We implicate
Incriminate - Exacerbate - Too much at stake
Our Faters, Mothers
Sisters, Brothers
Sons and Daughters
Perpetuating their ideals
Amindless act
To stay the course
Is it time to make a change
Are we closer than before
Can we help them break away
Are we profiting from war
Is it time to make a change
Are we closer than before
Can we help them break away
Are we profiting from war
Is it time to make a change
A change from what it's been
Is our patience wearing thin
It's time to make a change
Time for change
Fight the fear
Find the Truth
Time for change
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