이것이 한국최초의 하야마 토오루님께 보내진 메일의 내용입니다.
기억하기로는 오타도 있었고, 문법적으로도 제대로 맞지 않는 문장도 있을겁니다.
게다가 정중하지 못한(?!).. 편지의 형식을 갖추는것을 잊어버렸습니다.
i'm poor at japanese writing, so i write this in english. i'm not very good at english, but it's much better than japanese.
9s is excellent, wonderful, and OUTSTANDING!!
it is more intereting than any other book in the world.
In conclusion, 最高の 冊.
9s is my life-changing novel.
waiting for 9s's release, i live everyday.
i expect that 9s will be successive.
i hope that 9s will be kept written.
9s are to FOREVER!!
Bon chance! Good luck!
이것이 처음으로 받은 메일입니다.
제가 한국에서 처음으로 메일을 보내고 방명록에 글을 남기기도 했다는..
그런 증거물이라지요..
위의 메일의 답장입니다.
Dear cbs:
My name is Tohru Hayama.
Thank you for your message of 9S.
I was surprised to get your message from the Korea.
I'm glad that you show me such a good impression.
I really appreciate your sincere message.
Thank you very much for your support.
Please visit Lafi.net again.
kamsa hamnida!
Tohru Hayama
이 메일이 2번째로 보낸 메일입니다.
뭔가 형식을 갖추려고 노력했지만.. 이모티콘은 괜히 쓴것 같다는.. ;;
4권을 읽은 직후에 쓴 글이기 때문에 지금 보면 부끄러운.. 그런 내용도 들어있습니다.
아이 부끄 부끄.. -ㅁ-
Dear writer, Tohru Hayama:
Thank you for reponding to my e-mail before.
I boast of that reply to my all frends and acquintances.
Thank you for seeing my lame English. (-_-;)
Today, I've read [9S vol.4], which was released the day before yesterday.
Just after I read it, I shout it out loud. NEXT!!! NEXT!!!!!
I wish I could use Japanese well,
that's because my impression may not be expressed well.
English is not sufficient for expressing my impression.
The impression is still in my mind. I can't calm down until now.
(I've read it before 5 hours.)
The most impressive praise is "Let's go together.", which is written in the ending.
WoooAAAAAAA!!!!! 最高のフィナ-レを!
The wave of deep emotion beat upon me.
I'm touched. I'm well moved. I nearly burst into tears.
I decided that I'll take 9S to my death, to my graveyard.(+_+)
No one likes 9S much more than me in Korea.(May be...)
(It's my self-pride.)
Tohru Hayama さん,
Bon chance. Good luck. God bless you.
In Korea.
아랫글은 2번째 받았던걸로 기억합니다.
>to cbs
Due to the manufacturer’s restriction, drama CD cannot be sent to oversea.
Maybe you could inquire at publishing companies in Japan or Korea.
At the present circumstances, my time is quite limited
and I’m not able to reply all the mails and messages on the bulletin board
(regardless of Japanese or others), so I just reply the very first mail only.
I’m very sorry about it.
However, I do read and save every single mail that I receive.
I read it again and again to encourage and inspire myself.
Please feel free to write to me. I’m very eager to know your feedback.
라고 하지만 저는 드라마 씨디를 구했다지요..
그것도 통판 특전까지 들어있는 것으로..
3개월동안 기다리느라고 목이 빠지는줄 알았습니다.
이 메일은 4번째로 보낸 메일입니다.
3번째는 어디로 갔느냐? 라고 물으신다면..
그냥 비공개 라고 해두죠.. 라지만.. 읽히지도 못하고 폐기처분 된 것 같은..
비운의 메일이 3번재 메일입니다.
그래서 공개하기도 싫군요. 더 부끄럽기도 한 광분한 내용이라서.. ;;
이것은 4번째 메일입니다.
까페이벤트 메일이라서, 다소 사무적인 내용이..
라지만 개인적인 응원문구또한 들어갔습니다.
Dear, Hayama Tohru
Hi~! Long time no see.
2006年 9月 10日 was 9S' 1st Anniversary in Korea.
It's a little bit late.
Anyway, Congratulation!!
In order to honor and memory it, I held a fan-art event.
About 10 people participate in this event.
I pick up 5 betters than the others for final vote.
I send you these final entry pictures.
Ori's picture wins the first prize.
Attached Filename consists : fan-name.jpg
(fan-name is nickname)
Nowadays, I've read 9S vol.6
I love its extreme strain.
Thank you for your writings.
In lafi.net, I heard the news that you've been sick.
I hope you'll get better soon.
Sincerely, CBS, your fanatic reader.
이상의 메일 내용입니다.
작가분은 이 메일을 읽어보셨지만..
답장은 보내주질 않으시는군요..
정말 바쁜 분인것 같습니다.
후기에서도 바빠서 일일이 답장을 해주지 못해서 죄송하다고 하고 있으니..
그저 읽어주시는 것만으로도 감사드릴 따름..
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